Attack of the Killer Sock-Eaters

Why is there often only one sock? WHY? 

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Life, or something like it...

In May, 2004, I took one of the biggest steps of my life and married my high-school love/hate interest. We were several years, colleges, and careers removed from high school at this point, and having met up again, decided to skip the hate part of our relationship this time around.
After the wedding, and an incredible honeymoon in Italy, I made the difficult decision to leave my job in D.C., and work full time on making a home and a life for us. Although I loved my job, traffic in Northern VA meant that I spent between 3 and 4 hours commuting every day, and between that and the long hours it demanded, I realized that I would have little time to spend with my brand-sparkling-new husband. So, after some discussion with said husband, and some logistics decisions, I entered into the life of a home-maker! A couple of months later, I became pregnant with our first child, and I guess this is life coming at me at breakneck speed!


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